Language of Human Emotion
Back in the early 90’s, I began following the latest research related to how emotions can affect our DNA, and this included the work of Gregg Braden and HeartMath. It was the global crises of the late 20th Century, which saw Gregg leave his corporate life to begin a quest for the solutions he believed […]
Identifying and MANAGING EMOTIONAL TRIGGERS in Workplace settings
Do you sometimes find human communication and human interaction in the workplace akin to navigating an emotional minefield? Where a few words or actions can be unconsciously received by another as the trigger, the excuse, for an argument? You may even be in a scenario where you find yourself ‘walking on egg shells’ a great […]
“To Judge is Human, To Forgive is Divine”
You’ve probably heard the phrase ‘To err is human; to forgive, divine.’ It was written by the English poet Alexander Pope, in his poem An Essay on Criticism, in 1711, at age 23. Quite an interesting young man. He contracted tuberculosis of the bone when he was young, which disfigured his spine and apparently only […]
5G – Quick Facts on How the Technology Will Work
Alison Wilson talks to Robyn Walker about effect of phone radiation on children’s brains. We originally filmed a conversation with Alison Wilson in 2013 related to her books ‘Hold the Phone’ – a handbook in how to manage our new technology safely…and based on her extensive research at the time. This clip of the filming, […]
Re-membering our Memories and Re-turning to ‘Eldership’
I have, for a few years now, been developing a philosophy, that as we accumulate birthdays, it’s not so much that we ‘‘lose our memory’, it’s more about needing extra time to access those memories. (read this as ‘needing patience – patience with ourselves – and patience from others) So, what exactly do I mean […]
Our Commonality As Human Beings
BUY NOW (Excerpt from Robyn’s latest book, ‘BEING A W.I.S.E. LEADER’) Regardless of our gender, age, colour, sexuality, culture, religion, nationality, life experiences, where we live, how much money we have….in other words, regardless all of the ‘layers’ that make up who we are as people, as individuals, as human beings on this amazing planet Earth, […]