Conversations for a better world®
“We are One People, Living on One Planet…
Breathing the Same Air, Feeding from the Same Earth!”
Robyn Walker 1996
Robyn’s first show, ‘Conversations with Robyn®’ (CWR) was born in 2005 to share powerful and inspirational conversations with guests, who were leaders in their field of expertise and passionate about creating a more understanding, cohesive and caring world.
The one-hour program aired on Australian community TV from 2006 to 2011 and became a pioneer in producing content that was both entertaining and informative.
Guests on CWR included some of the most prominent authors, speakers, and teachers at the time, such as Dr Joe Dispenza, Neale Donald Walsch, Gregg Braden, Caroline Myss, Sonia Choquette, Dr Bruce Lipton, Ian Gawler, Olivia Newton-John and many others.
Of the 72 episodes, 15 were filmed in 2008 in China, on Olivia Newton-John’s ‘Great Walk to Beijing’; a fundraiser for the ‘ONJ Research and Wellness Centre’ located at the Austin Hospital in Melbourne.
In addition to Olivia, other CWR guests included the cancer survivor/thrivers on the walk, plus professors, doctors and celebs, such as Sir Cliff Richard, Didi Conn and Curves founder Diane Heavin.
Most of CWR’s programs can still be viewed on Robyn’s YouTube channel.
‘Conversations for a Better World®’ is indicative of Robyn’s own inner journey, in that as we develop and grow, so too does the vision of our mission and our contribution to the world.

Robyn Walker's favourites conversations:
In a career spanning more than three decades, Robyn Walker has conducted some of the most memorable interviews for Australian Television. Her natural warmth and approachability have endeared her to guests from all walks of life, and her skill in getting to the heart of a story has won her widespread respect.
When asked which were her favourite conversations, Robyn’s answer was always…’they all were, as each guest had such a unique journey, a unique story to share with us all, and I always felt so privileged to have a ‘one-on-one’ conversation with them, where I could ask any question that came to mind.’
Here are six of those guests
each one providing their own unique insight into who we are as both individuals and as a collective.
What makes these interviews so viewable is not just the guests amazing accomplishments; it’s also their willingness to share their personal journey, as well as their professional knowledge and wisdom.
In 2008, Robyn had the opportunity to interview Olivia in China, as part of the ‘Great Walk to Beijing’ fundraiser for the ONJ Cancer Research and Wellness Centre.
During the four-week walk, Robyn became an even bigger Olivia fan, as she gained a deeper understanding of Olivia’s compassion and enormous heart, in forever focusing on how better to make a positive difference to people’s health and wellbeing.
Joe Dispenza is a neurophysiologist, author and speaker who specialises in the study of change. He is the author of Evolve Your Brain and is well-known for his work on the human brain and its ability to change.
At the time of Robyn’s interview, Helen was volunteering as a clinical hypnotherapist in hospitals, helping people who were nervous about going under anaesthetic. Helen also shared with Robyn her own spiritual journey, and how she hadn’t shared that experience with anyone, for many years, for fear of being ridiculed.
‘Thank you, Robyn. I really enjoyed this.’ Helen Reddy – ‘I Am Woman’
Gregg Braden is a scientist, researcher, teacher and author who bridges science and spirituality. His work has inspired people around the world to rethink their understanding of the world and their place in it.
Robyn had been following Greggs work since the early 1990’s, and his documentary from that time, ‘Awakening to Zero Point’, had a profound effect in understanding more of her own journey.
‘I would come back in a heartbeat. It’s a great program. We travel all over the world and it’s so rare to have a program like this, where people can have this kind of conversation. It’s a great service you are doing for your community.’ Gregg Braden (USA)
Caroline is an American medical intuitive and teacher who has written many books on spirituality and healing. She is a highly sought-after speaker and has been featured on many programs.
Robyn’s conversation with Caroline left a profound effect, as Caroline shared her own wisdom on human nature, the world, and the importance of honouring divine timing.
What makes these interviews so viewable is not just the guests amazing accomplishments; it’s also their willingness to share their personal journey, as well as their professional knowledge and wisdom.
Bruce Lipton is a biochemist, author and teacher who explores the relationship between mind and matter. He is well-known for his work on the role of DNA in cell behaviour, and for his bestselling book The Biology of Belief.
A warm and intelligent interviewer and attracts world class guest speakers, who are leaders in their fields, from both Australian and Abroad. It is a pleasant change to know (CWR) touches the fabric of a lifestyle that is fast growing, Personal Development, Quantum Physics, and Alternative Health. My interests and thousands like me, are directly related to the Program. It is wonderfully refreshing to be able to view and to learn something exciting and new from her programs.’
Chris Hooper (Australian Promoter for Dr Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Dr Joe Dispenza - USA )
Hi, I’m Robyn Walker, and welcome to ‘Conversations for a Better World®’, a vehicle for broadcasting uplifting, informative and inspirational conversations for the sole intent of making our world a better place.
The conversations in these filming’s are with passionate and caring people, who are leaders in their field, and genuinely making a profound difference in assisting us to recognise we are all connected and that what we do individually – impacts on others collectively.
It is also about acknowledging we all have value, and therefore we all deserve to be heard and supported in being an integral part of the whole species.
What these guests share assist us all to become more conscious in creating opportunities, every day, to be living examples and role models, for peace and harmony on this planet. As Gandhi said ‘be the change you wish to see in the world’.
We are all works in progress so let’s face it…we may not always get it right.
What unites us though is the intent in choosing to create this outcome…in being willing to have the sometimes difficult, sometimes sad, sometimes funny, always illuminating conversations and being willing to talk from the heart…for this is what ‘Conversations for a Better World®’ is all about. From that point we can, together, discover and implement solutions which at one stage may have seemed insurmountable and impossible.
We are highly intelligent and compassionate beings and each and every one of us has a passion…a purpose in being here!
What drives me is the curiosity to discover ‘the commonality that connects us all’, as a human species…that which resonates for us all…that which makes our lives more enriched and productive.
Yes, we have differences and often they seem unresolvable differences… in our beliefs, thoughts, culture, to name a few…and yet we also have a ‘commonality’ that is inspiring, and it is this ‘commonality’ that connects us, regardless of our circumstances or where we live in the world.